Anti-slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

This statement outlines our commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking, in compliance with the applicable South African legislation, and applies for the financial year ending 30 April 2024.

Firm Structure and Overview

Freemans Law Firm operates as a leading legal services provider in South Africa, governed by local legal and regulatory standards. We are a collective of legal professionals working together under the umbrella of a South African-based association (the “Association”), offering expert legal services across multiple jurisdictions. Our affiliated entities (each a “Freemans Firm”) operate independently but share a commitment to uphold the highest legal and ethical standards. The Association itself does not directly provide client services but facilitates collaboration across our network. For further details, visit our official site. This statement is issued on behalf of Freemans Law Firm.

Our Approach to Modern Slavery

As a professional services firm, we understand the critical importance of ethical business practices and are fully committed to preventing modern slavery in our operations. Although we consider the risk of modern slavery within our direct operations and supply chain to be low, we take a proactive stance to address the issue wherever it may arise. This includes our offices in South Africa and across all regions where we operate, as we recognize the global nature of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our firm adheres to a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of modern slavery, which includes slavery, servitude, forced labour, and human trafficking. These practices are viewed not only as criminal but also as significant human rights violations.

We believe that the key to ensuring the absence of modern slavery lies in building effective relationships with our clients and partners, grounded in mutual respect and confidentiality. Our policy extends to the recruitment process, all client engagements, and throughout our supply chain.

Our comprehensive policy outlines the steps our employees should take if they suspect modern slavery activities, backed by our established Whistleblowing Policy and a broader set of sustainable business practices. We are committed to addressing any concerns promptly and ensuring that no client or employee faces injustice.

Due Diligence and Supplier Responsibility

We hold our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to the highest standards of ethical conduct, expecting them to adopt similar principles to prevent modern slavery within their own operations. All parties working with us must ensure that their employees and workers are treated fairly, with dignity and respect in a secure and ethical environment.

Our rigorous procurement process includes thorough vetting of potential suppliers, evaluating their commitment to responsible practices, including modern slavery prevention. Suppliers will be assessed based on the potential risk they pose, and actions will be taken to address any gaps or concerns. We expect that our suppliers extend these principles to their own supply chain and will require this as part of our contractual agreements moving forward.

All suppliers are required to sign a formal declaration confirming their adherence to our modern slavery policy and their compliance with South African legal standards. This contract will also ensure we have the necessary rights to monitor and enforce compliance, taking corrective action when required.

We plan to implement a bi-annual auditing system for our major suppliers to ensure their ongoing compliance with our standards and legal obligations under South African law.

Recruitment Practices and Work Culture at Freemans Law Firm

At Freemans Law Firm, we strive to maintain a fair, transparent, and respectful workplace for all employees. We are fully committed to abiding by all relevant South African employment laws, ensuring fair recruitment practices and offering competitive terms of employment. This includes verifying the right to work and ensuring that no employee within our offices in South Africa receives less than the legally established minimum wage.

Our Grievance and Whistleblowing Policies enable employees to raise concerns regarding any unethical practices, including supplier-related issues. We ensure that all concerns are handled confidentially and fairly.

Our Dignity at Work Policy emphasizes mutual respect, fostering an environment of diversity and inclusion within the firm. It sets clear guidelines to address discrimination, harassment, and bullying, ensuring that everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Training and Awareness

We believe that raising awareness about modern slavery among our employees is critical in ensuring a collective commitment to our values. To this end, we offer regular training sessions for all staff and consultants to deepen their understanding of modern slavery issues, reinforce our zero-tolerance policy, and equip them with the knowledge to identify and report any concerns.

Performance Monitoring and Reporting

Our Risk Management Team is responsible for monitoring the success of our commitments and ensuring that the firm upholds its responsibilities. This team collaborates with our Talent Team and other departments to ensure we continue to meet our obligations and improve our approach to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking.